Arrival/Dismissal Policy

These procedures are designed to protect the safety of all students.

Staff members will be assigned to supervise students during arrival and dismissal times. They are expected to enforce the procedures listed in this memo. Please treat them with respect as they are simply trying to facilitate the movement of over 300 students in and out of the building.


The building doors will open at 9:00 a.m. to admit students to the building. Students and parents are expected to wait outside until 9:00 a.m. unless the students are in the Before-School Program. The late bell rings at 9:10 a.m. All students are expected to arrive prior to 9:10 a.m. so instruction can begin promptly.

Before School Program

You are required to sign your child into the before-school program. All grade level programs will be in the cafeteria. You are to park in the back parking lot and enter the building through the back doors of the new wing. No drop-off or parking is permitted on the bus loop.

Bus Students

All buses serving our school park either in the horseshoe or along the curb immediately past the horseshoe on Monmouth Drive. Bus students will enter the building through the door on the bus loop.


Students walking to school are expected to cross Ridge Road or Monmouth Drive at the locations that have crossing guards. All Ridge Road walkers will enter through the bus loop door. All other walkers will enter through the back of the new wing. Walkers are not permitted to enter the building until 9:00 a.m.; therefore, they should time their arrival accordingly.

Parent Drop-Off

Parking is extremely limited! We recommend that you do not plan to park, but use the Drop-Off Zone. The Drop-Off Zone will be on Monmouth Drive, before you enter the parking lot. Pull as far forward as possible in the Drop-Off Zone. There is no parking permitted in this zone. Please do not block driveways or park in any area marked by "no parking" signs or yellow curbs.

Late Arrivals

Any student arriving after 9:10 a.m. bell must be accompanied by a parent to the Main Office to be signed in. Students are not permitted to sign themselves in, nor are they permitted into class without a late pass.


After-School Program

Students will be dismissed to their program locations and attendance will be taken before other students are dismissed from the building.

Walkers and Parent Pick-Up

The location of the waiting area is on the blacktop at the rear of the building. We begin dismissing these students at approximately 3:30 p.m. (1:35 on early dismissal days). Teachers will walk students to the waiting area and supervise their pick up.

Children will not be permitted to cross the parking lot or Monmouth Drive without being accompanied by a parent. Please meet your child at the waiting area. Students walking home will exit the building with the students being picked up by parents.

Bus Students

All bus students will exit through the bus loop doors to meet their buses. The buses will be parked either in the loop or along the curb immediately past the bus loop.

  • Dropping a child off in the front of the school during morning arrival is not permitted. This area is not supervised by any staff and the front door is locked. The only morning drop-off location is on Monmouth Drive.
  • There are limited visitor parking spaces in the front parking lot. These are for 15-minute parking only. If you are planning on being in the building for a longer period of time, you must park in the back parking lot.
  • During the school day, all entrances are locked. All visitors to the building must be admitted through the front door and go to the Main Office for a visitor's pass.
  • Cars parked illegally are subject to ticketing by the township police.
  • If you need to make a change in your child's dismissal, please write a note to the teacher. Changes in dismissal are noted on the daily attendance report that is given to teachers during lunchtime. This guarantees that teachers and after-school personnel are informed of any changes.